Sunday, July 20, 2008

Fast, or Accurate

Of course it hurts! If journalist were equipped with a little mystical black box, it might have helped them to make better sense of current print industry. In Sobering Remarks, by Bill Walsh, he asserts how print journalist perhaps view themselves as the “…watchdogs, integral parts of a healthy democracy, …” Walsh also asserts that, “It's our job to tell people what they need to know about their government before they know they need it.” Interestingly, the Web-blogger saw things differently and the changes came hard, fast and with plenty of warning. In a recent presidential debate, YouTube® videos and e-mails questions were posed to the presidential candidates. By the time the print industry reported their interpretation of the debate, despite how accurate the reporting was, the Web-savvy bloggers had beat them to the punch. The Web now contained a database of well-strung together videos and blogs links that sent ripples of information in all directions. It was painfully clear that the Web-savvy, grammar deprived, journalist, had a raw, yet dramatic opinion of how the debates went and it certainly struck a tone voters. Can the print industry position their jargon and rhetoric as the needed cutting-edge information for the people?

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