Saturday, August 2, 2008

Where's the audience

The newspaper industry might not be dead, yet. Poynter Online, posts a link to “What's Really Killing Newspapers: They're no longer the best providers of social currency” by Jack Shafer that does a wonderful job of summarizing where the newspaper audience might be hanging around these days. Shafer talks about how the newspapers industry lost the social currency, which is a clever and insightful look into where people are hanging out these days, and reviews what the newspapers have lost. I still think newspaper can get it together and regain some of that lost audience, but they may have to invent a new socialization tool that snaps people back into print.

Also, what I found interesting about Shafer’s blog post was the comment at the end, “Track my errors: This hand-built RSS feed will ring every time Slate runs a "Press Box" correction.” He doesn’t have to pay for editing and merely accepts it openly through suggestions. Pretty cool, or perhaps pretty cheap? No room for copy editors, there.

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