Sunday, August 17, 2008


In an age where print is becoming electronic in some form or another, emerging technologies still seem to be progressing beyond the most progressive innovators. News is going digital, news is going to blogging, new is going to the Web, news is going to the mobile device – when does it end?

In a recent article, Is the Internet finally killing TV?, by Christian Science Monitor, they write about how Web technologies are outdoing TV technologies. They write, “But the growing number of new deals and new devices being announced suggests that a profound change in the way people watch video -- and what video they watch -- is under way. The line between "television" and video via the Internet already has blurred and may disappear in coming years.”

With the print loosing circulation maybe this is the next logical target. Is nothing safe around the Web? Could TV find itself in the same situation as print and become nostalgic? In this era of technology, can the future of anything not Web-based become gobbled up by the Web? While I think it will be a long time before that becomes a reality, it’s certainly difficult to imagine turning on the Web to view all of my favorite shows.

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