Saturday, August 2, 2008

Fluffy kittens and politics

It’s no secret that newspapers are suffering from something, as print circulation continues to plummet. From fluffy kittens to politics you almost have to be an Indian pathfinder or a combat surgeon to figure out which newspaper suites your needs. Because lets face it, committing to a print subscription is like getting married and it feels like cheating if you look at another paper.

Oh sure, some Web sites, and even blogs, attempt to report fair and balanced stoires. One writer, Hatched by Dafydd, begins with “I predicted this many years ago, but it still amazes me when a putative news source publishes an article on a controversial issue being pushed by the Left -- and doesn't even trouble to ask a single person on the right to comment.” Seriously, a nice emotional argument and he supports his point with several quotes. On the other hand, you would never see that type of reporting in the print media.

So, what's the solution? Is there a truly well-balanced newspaper that can bring it all together? What does a reader look for in a well-balanced newspaper? Maybe, it's just a myth for now and we all have to surf the Web to place it all in perspective, perhaps our own perspective.

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