Monday, July 7, 2008

Journalist Intelligent Property, Drifting Away?

I am curious as to when it became OK to let our journalist intelligent property drift into a foreign country that knows nothing about our culture, our cares, our views, and our virtues. In Newsman: What will be outsourced next? Newspaper editors?, a Eureka Reporter writes “It remains to be seen whether outsourcing will cause a dip in editorial quality” but I sincerely think that he is really writing about a journalist culture that is being ripped out of our society. A dip in editorial quality is meager reference to what is really at stake. Can another country provide effective copy write editing of our mainstream media?


Anonymous said...

When does freelance writing or columnists, staples in journalism and published periodicals already, become outsourcing?

Steve1833 said...

I'm not sure when outsourcing became an effort by newspapers. However, freelance writing is nothing new to the newspaper industry. For years newspapers have gotten unsolicited articles from a wide range of authors, it was one way to get your story published. Now, freelance writers publish on the Web. But in response to your question, I’m not sure when outsourcing became an effort by newspapers. I will have to look into that a bit more for you.
